2025-01-04 admin 【 字体:大 中 小 】
Dear Mrs Jane
I'm Li Hua , a aboy of eigthteen , presently a senior student in Guangming Middle School I am 16 years old. I am writing to you so as to apply for that job .
On the other hand, my spoken English is very good ,and i think English is important to us , as the society develop faster and faster , English had become one of the communication language .
Then my hobby is do sports ,such as football and swimming . I like reading the book which can tell me that how to improve our environment . I am interested in this job and i want to accede to you .
I am a student with the charcter of patience and i am fridendly and outgoing . I have the confence to be competent for the job . If i can eough to get the job , I will do my best to improve our environment . looking forward to your reply.
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